AI powered colonycounter IRIS

– Iris units are built to last.
Born to perform.
Designed to simplify your work.
Our newly developed Iris automatic AI (Artificial Intelligence) colony counter is an automated system that rapidly counts colonies grown in Petri dishes of different sizes or Petri film.
Our Colony Counting is based on Artificial Intelligence (Deep Neural Network).
Totally designed, created, programmed and build “in house” at AAA Lab Equipment B.V.
Counting bacterial colonies on microbiological culture plates is a time-consuming, error-prone, nevertheless fundamental task in microbiology.
Computer vision based approaches will increase the consistency, efficiency and the reliability of the process, but accurate counting in the traditional computer vision way is challenging, due to the high degree of variability of agglomerated colonies.
Artificial Intelligence will help increasing the results in an important way.
Traditional Computer vision versus Artificial Intelligence ;
Traditional programming is how current colony counters in general count, programming via shape and color recognition. Easy to count colonies can perform reasonably well,
but a huge part of colonies are less easy or
impossible to count with a satisfying count as a result.
Colony Counting based on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Iris AI colony counter takes pictures and a trained neural network will do the counting for you.
No programming involved, but annotation instead.
Correct annotation is “showing” the system which colonies the neural network needs to count.
The more pictures are put into the Artificial Intelligence Network the better the system will perform.
The results of the AI camera Iris are validated by an analyst using a very user-friendly user interface dedicated to the Iris software, running over a web application on workstation(s).
Artificial Intelligence gives you the opportunity to count almost everything in a Petri dish, just send us a picture of the objects you want to analyze and we can give you our expert opinion.
Different colonies in a Petri dish, different types of colonies, different sizes, if you can see the difference the Artificial Intelligence should be able too.
The type of data exchange to your LIMS can be discussed, FTP server data to LIMS
(XML and images) is a good possibility and we have the possibility to create other possibilities as well.
For technical or user interface questions we can connect to the AI camera Iris to assist you by remote access.
If you want to know more of this new development please contact us by mail or phone.

Soon to be introduced, AI Driven colony counter.
More information?
Call +31 (0)71 3310085